Friday, 8 April 2011

John West (the person, not the tinned salmon) and a serious politician

News reaches the Common Man of a scurrilous posting on a blog site run by 'Skeptyk' which shows mental health trust (patient representative) member John West wearing a pair of underpants on his head.

This is scandalous. The Common Man will not stand for a serious political activist of the UK First Party to be mocked in such a fashion, particularly after his anti-corruption party dishonestly placed him third on their Euro elections list. In order to show others just how disgraceful this is, the Common Man feels obliged to post the link to Skeptyk's blog so others might see for themselves For those who may feel this too traumatic, the Common Man is pleased to post the alternative at
As readers will see, Mr West is now a serious journalist at Ipswich Community Care Radio, broadcasting top pop tunes to an audience of 7 on Friday mornings across the greater metropolitan area of Ipswich.

To show Mr West's commitment to serious journalism and fighting corruption and to counter-balance such a distasteful post from Skeptyk, the Common Man is proud to attach below a photograph of Mr West hero-worshipping a serious elected politician. The slightly surprised look on Mr West's face is not, the Common Man is assured, because Mr Wise was operating his controls from the rear.

(Tom Wise, prisoner number T10453382, left, and John West)

For the benefit of copyright thieves, liars and cheats such as the sadly now still with us Mr Lance Watkins, this image is (c)2005 Mark Croucher, and reproduction is expressly prohibited without consent. The Common Man thanks Mr Croucher for his copyright permission to use this image.