The Common Mans attention has been drawn to a posting by Geoffrey 'Old Mother' Collier on the Democracy Forum, in which he demonstrates once again his formidable research skills.
Writing of Michael Greaves, he states "We now have appointed at public expense a Mr Greaves who claims to be a barrister and specialises in International Law. Further claims to his credit involve appearances before the International Court at the Hague. That Court has no evidence of him appearing in any capacity. Furthermore he does not appear on the Roll of Bar members who are currently practising."
The Common Man understands that this stunning piece of work is repeated elsewhere, particularly by the unfortunately not-yet-late convicted felon and self-confessed anti-semite Greg Watkins and the morons at Junius. Watkins, remember, always apologises when he is wrong, although none have ever seen an apology.
Michael Greaves was a court appointed defence barrister. Anyone capable of working a computer - which presumably Old Mother Collier is - could have discovered this through conducting a simple case search of the International Criminal Court searching case files rather than simply searching for web pages. There are actually some 40 documents which name Greaves as a defence attorney representing several defendants.
The Common Man now awaits the attack on Greaves based on who he, as a defence barrister at the ICC, was appointed to represent. The Common Man and Bob Pacific will be hugely amused at those who want a 'clean' UKIP attacking the right of a defendant, even at the International Criminal Court, to be represented, and somehow suggesting that because counsel is appointed to the defendants, this is somehow indicative of support for the crimes of which those defendants are accused.
The Common Man is also aware that, unlike solicitors, there is no requirement for Barristers to be registered with the Bar. Will Old Mother Collier now apologise for smearing an eminent lawyer? Past experience suggests that this is unlikely, and instead he will repeat his lies endlessly, thinking that that will somehow make them true.
Needless to say, Colliers other allegations are equally well researched and equally false. The Common Man wonders how he can have the gall to talk about 'we' when referring to UKIP, when clearly he is batting for the other team, but that's another rumour which it would be wrong of us to continue probing. The Common Man merely observes that for someone ostensibly if dishonestly campaigning for a clean up of UKIP, Collier has provided a remarkable way of telling what is true and what is false. If he wrote it, it's false.
Decision on Prosecution's Application to Admit Transcripts under Rule 92bis
Judge Patrick Robinson, Presiding
Judge Richard May
Judge Mohamed Fassi Fihri
Mr. Hans Holthuis
Order of:
23 May 2001
The Office of the Prosecutor:
Mr. Dirk Ryneveld
Ms. Julia Baly
Mr. Daryl Mundis
Counsel for the Accused:
Mr. Veselin Londrovic and Mr. Michael Greaves, for Dusko Sikirica
Mr. Vladimir Petrovic and Mr. Goran Rodic, for Damir Dosen
Mr. Ivan Lawrence and Mr. Jovan Ostojic, for Dragan Kolundzija
Which can be found at
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Friday, 8 April 2011
John West (the person, not the tinned salmon) and a serious politician
News reaches the Common Man of a scurrilous posting on a blog site run by 'Skeptyk' which shows mental health trust (patient representative) member John West wearing a pair of underpants on his head.
This is scandalous. The Common Man will not stand for a serious political activist of the UK First Party to be mocked in such a fashion, particularly after his anti-corruption party dishonestly placed him third on their Euro elections list. In order to show others just how disgraceful this is, the Common Man feels obliged to post the link to Skeptyk's blog so others might see for themselves For those who may feel this too traumatic, the Common Man is pleased to post the alternative at
As readers will see, Mr West is now a serious journalist at Ipswich Community Care Radio, broadcasting top pop tunes to an audience of 7 on Friday mornings across the greater metropolitan area of Ipswich.
To show Mr West's commitment to serious journalism and fighting corruption and to counter-balance such a distasteful post from Skeptyk, the Common Man is proud to attach below a photograph of Mr West hero-worshipping a serious elected politician. The slightly surprised look on Mr West's face is not, the Common Man is assured, because Mr Wise was operating his controls from the rear.

(Tom Wise, prisoner number T10453382, left, and John West)
For the benefit of copyright thieves, liars and cheats such as the sadly now still with us Mr Lance Watkins, this image is (c)2005 Mark Croucher, and reproduction is expressly prohibited without consent. The Common Man thanks Mr Croucher for his copyright permission to use this image.
This is scandalous. The Common Man will not stand for a serious political activist of the UK First Party to be mocked in such a fashion, particularly after his anti-corruption party dishonestly placed him third on their Euro elections list. In order to show others just how disgraceful this is, the Common Man feels obliged to post the link to Skeptyk's blog so others might see for themselves For those who may feel this too traumatic, the Common Man is pleased to post the alternative at
As readers will see, Mr West is now a serious journalist at Ipswich Community Care Radio, broadcasting top pop tunes to an audience of 7 on Friday mornings across the greater metropolitan area of Ipswich.
To show Mr West's commitment to serious journalism and fighting corruption and to counter-balance such a distasteful post from Skeptyk, the Common Man is proud to attach below a photograph of Mr West hero-worshipping a serious elected politician. The slightly surprised look on Mr West's face is not, the Common Man is assured, because Mr Wise was operating his controls from the rear.

(Tom Wise, prisoner number T10453382, left, and John West)
For the benefit of copyright thieves, liars and cheats such as the sadly now still with us Mr Lance Watkins, this image is (c)2005 Mark Croucher, and reproduction is expressly prohibited without consent. The Common Man thanks Mr Croucher for his copyright permission to use this image.
Thursday, 23 December 2010
How much did naughty Mr Edwards cost the BNP?
The Common Man has today learnt several things about that naughty onanist Mr Andrew Edwards, BNP activist.
Rumours have been in the air for several weeks that Mr Edwards featured in the judgement in the copyright trial between Mark Croucher and Nick Griffin which ended recently. Mr Croucher has asked me not to, in his words, make a 'big song and dance about it', but some aspects were too good to resist. As the judgement is a matter of public record, the Common Man felt obliged to obtain a copy, and for his regular readers makes available some sections of it here which it is hoped do not constitute a big song and dance but rather a public service announcement.
Extracts from the judgement in Mark Croucher (plaintiff) v Nicholas Griffin (defendant), Welshpool County Court, 9th December 2010 09DA01428
"The court is satisfied that Mr Griffin had no personal knowledge of the use of the image posted on the BNP website by Andrew Edwards, who had unrestricted access to post articles ....On discovering the situation, Mr Griffin contacted Mr Kemp, who shared his opinion of Edwards as a loose cannon.... the use of clearly copyrighted material was consistent with the cavalier approach shown by Edwards...."
The Common Man will leave it there for now, but expects to have more information on Mr Edwards to share with the world later today regarding his forthcoming loss of internet service. Some may be aware that Ms Sinclaire, who featured heavily in yesterday evenings posting, passed on her default judgement to BNP activist Mr Edwards for him to circulate it widely. The same Ms Sinclaire who now sits in the non-aligned group in the European Parliament with the BNP, Front National, Jobbik, Vlaams Belang etc, and yet who abhors extremism.

Andrew Edwards yesterday, making the most of his last few days of internet access
Rumours have been in the air for several weeks that Mr Edwards featured in the judgement in the copyright trial between Mark Croucher and Nick Griffin which ended recently. Mr Croucher has asked me not to, in his words, make a 'big song and dance about it', but some aspects were too good to resist. As the judgement is a matter of public record, the Common Man felt obliged to obtain a copy, and for his regular readers makes available some sections of it here which it is hoped do not constitute a big song and dance but rather a public service announcement.
Extracts from the judgement in Mark Croucher (plaintiff) v Nicholas Griffin (defendant), Welshpool County Court, 9th December 2010 09DA01428
"The court is satisfied that Mr Griffin had no personal knowledge of the use of the image posted on the BNP website by Andrew Edwards, who had unrestricted access to post articles ....On discovering the situation, Mr Griffin contacted Mr Kemp, who shared his opinion of Edwards as a loose cannon.... the use of clearly copyrighted material was consistent with the cavalier approach shown by Edwards...."
The Common Man will leave it there for now, but expects to have more information on Mr Edwards to share with the world later today regarding his forthcoming loss of internet service. Some may be aware that Ms Sinclaire, who featured heavily in yesterday evenings posting, passed on her default judgement to BNP activist Mr Edwards for him to circulate it widely. The same Ms Sinclaire who now sits in the non-aligned group in the European Parliament with the BNP, Front National, Jobbik, Vlaams Belang etc, and yet who abhors extremism.

Andrew Edwards yesterday, making the most of his last few days of internet access
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Ms Sinclaire, and how she dare not sit down
The Common Man never ceases to be amused by the activities of Camp Sinclaire, and todays news is no exception.
Ms Sinclaire is claiming 'victory' in her sexual discrimination case against UKIP after winning a default judgement in her favour. "I'm very saddened by how this has all turned out" said Ms Sinclaire ecstatically afterwards, failing to add, "Thankfully, UKIP failed to file a defence in time, thereby putting off the day I am exposed as a money grabbing liar."
Ms Sinclaire (7' tall) explained that her case was built on Godfrey Bloom (5'3" tall) intimidating her by calling her 'a queer' as he passed her in a corridor, and confirmed that she had never previously described herself as 'queer and proud' at the gay hustings meeting she was arrested at in 2004, or at any other time when it may have been politically expedient to do so. The Common Man can only speculate why she was not intimidated by hobbit sized convicted felon Greg Lance Watkins constant stream of internet homophobia, which strangely stopped just as regular contact between him and Ms Sinclaire began.
She also complained about UKIPs membership of the EFD Group in the European Parliament because it contained, among other groups, the Italian Lega Nord. She said "You would not expect a black MEP to sit next to a Ku Klux Klan member so why would you expect me to sit next to someone who wanted me dead?"
Given her high turnover of staff, the Common Man can only assume she doesn't have a chair in her office or sit down when in the chamber of the European Parliament among her new colleages in the non aligned group, who include BNP MEPs Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons. Perhaps it is the close links between Mr Brons and Ms Sinclaires political adviser, former NF and National Democrat member and candidate Gary Cartwright, which protect her there? Or is it the close links between pint sized reformed homophobe Mr Lance Watkins and BNP leader Mr Griffin? The Common Man loses track.
EFD Group has not commented on the case, as the judgement will be set aside at the next hearing in December. If they had, the Common Man assumes the person best placed to explain the rampant homophobia in EFD Group would be the groups flamboyantly homosexual secretary general, Emmanuel Bordez. If Mr Bordez was unavailable, one of the 6 other openly homosexual group staff would be happy to explain how they feared for their lives after being given senior jobs by people who wanted them dead because they are gay.
The Common Mans colleague Bob Pacific said sources in UKIP had confirmed that her claim was nonsense, and that it was bound to fail when the tribunal heard from people with considerably more experience of telling the truth than Ms Sinclaire.
Ms Sinclaire is currently the subject of an investigation into false expenses claims made since she became an MEP, and the Common Man understands her collar will shortly be felt by West Midlands Constabulary as the several OLAF investigations are now complete.

The Common Man is pleased to add the latest photograph of Ms Sinclaire, taken as she left the tribunal hearing, and clearly in festive mood. Ms Sinclaire is definitely not 'queer', just queer. And lesbian.
Ms Sinclaire is claiming 'victory' in her sexual discrimination case against UKIP after winning a default judgement in her favour. "I'm very saddened by how this has all turned out" said Ms Sinclaire ecstatically afterwards, failing to add, "Thankfully, UKIP failed to file a defence in time, thereby putting off the day I am exposed as a money grabbing liar."
Ms Sinclaire (7' tall) explained that her case was built on Godfrey Bloom (5'3" tall) intimidating her by calling her 'a queer' as he passed her in a corridor, and confirmed that she had never previously described herself as 'queer and proud' at the gay hustings meeting she was arrested at in 2004, or at any other time when it may have been politically expedient to do so. The Common Man can only speculate why she was not intimidated by hobbit sized convicted felon Greg Lance Watkins constant stream of internet homophobia, which strangely stopped just as regular contact between him and Ms Sinclaire began.
She also complained about UKIPs membership of the EFD Group in the European Parliament because it contained, among other groups, the Italian Lega Nord. She said "You would not expect a black MEP to sit next to a Ku Klux Klan member so why would you expect me to sit next to someone who wanted me dead?"
Given her high turnover of staff, the Common Man can only assume she doesn't have a chair in her office or sit down when in the chamber of the European Parliament among her new colleages in the non aligned group, who include BNP MEPs Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons. Perhaps it is the close links between Mr Brons and Ms Sinclaires political adviser, former NF and National Democrat member and candidate Gary Cartwright, which protect her there? Or is it the close links between pint sized reformed homophobe Mr Lance Watkins and BNP leader Mr Griffin? The Common Man loses track.
EFD Group has not commented on the case, as the judgement will be set aside at the next hearing in December. If they had, the Common Man assumes the person best placed to explain the rampant homophobia in EFD Group would be the groups flamboyantly homosexual secretary general, Emmanuel Bordez. If Mr Bordez was unavailable, one of the 6 other openly homosexual group staff would be happy to explain how they feared for their lives after being given senior jobs by people who wanted them dead because they are gay.
The Common Mans colleague Bob Pacific said sources in UKIP had confirmed that her claim was nonsense, and that it was bound to fail when the tribunal heard from people with considerably more experience of telling the truth than Ms Sinclaire.
Ms Sinclaire is currently the subject of an investigation into false expenses claims made since she became an MEP, and the Common Man understands her collar will shortly be felt by West Midlands Constabulary as the several OLAF investigations are now complete.

The Common Man is pleased to add the latest photograph of Ms Sinclaire, taken as she left the tribunal hearing, and clearly in festive mood. Ms Sinclaire is definitely not 'queer', just queer. And lesbian.
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Andrew Edwards, BNP activist, naughty monkey and supporter of Ms Sinclaire
The Common Man has been made aware of the howls of protest which have emanated from Camp Sinclaire over an earlier posting which gave details of one of the OLAF complaints directed towards her.
The latest missive to arrive, from Mr Andrew Edwards, claims that Ms Sinclaire has been vindicated completely, and that the complaint is now closed.
In fact, the Common Man has learned that far from the matter being closed, it has actually been consolidated with two other existing complaints, both of which are currently with West Midlands police awaiting action. Expect to read news of Ms Sinclaires arrest in the near future for theft and false accounting.
Meanwhile, Mr Edwards is worthy of further investigation. When not masturbating like a gibbon in front of his computer, he is also a British National Party activist who was apparently summarily expelled from UKIP some years ago for his part in a plan to infiltrate UKIP ahead of the European elections in 2004.
The Common Man is pleased to attach below a photograph of Mr Edwards for future reference.It is believed that Mr Edwards had just finished a marathon session on his computer when the picture was taken.
The latest missive to arrive, from Mr Andrew Edwards, claims that Ms Sinclaire has been vindicated completely, and that the complaint is now closed.
In fact, the Common Man has learned that far from the matter being closed, it has actually been consolidated with two other existing complaints, both of which are currently with West Midlands police awaiting action. Expect to read news of Ms Sinclaires arrest in the near future for theft and false accounting.
Meanwhile, Mr Edwards is worthy of further investigation. When not masturbating like a gibbon in front of his computer, he is also a British National Party activist who was apparently summarily expelled from UKIP some years ago for his part in a plan to infiltrate UKIP ahead of the European elections in 2004.
The Common Man is pleased to attach below a photograph of Mr Edwards for future reference.It is believed that Mr Edwards had just finished a marathon session on his computer when the picture was taken.

Monday, 15 November 2010
Sinclaire's OLAF complaint
The Common Man has had rather more success in discovering the number of the OLAF investigation which Ms Sinclaire is facing than convicted thief Mr Lance Watkins, who has been proclaiming her innocence to the small number of people with the patience to read his drivel. Admittedly, it is only one of at least three current investigations, but we are sure that the other numbers will be forthcoming shortly.
The investigation number in question is OF/2010/0430. The email concerning this is attached below. This particular investigation is now close to completion, and this may account for the delay in Ms Sinclaire having her collar felt: at least one other investigation is already complete, and the file has been passed to West Midlands police. It can only be assumed that they are waiting for this one so as to arrest Ms Sinclaire for all of them at the same time. For sure, her days are numbered.
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2010 11:14:28 +0200
Subject: OLAF file OF/2010/0430 in assessment
Recently you have contacted a memebr of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) informing about allegations involving a former MEP Nikki Sinclair.
Since I have been appointed to assess the available information, I would like to meet you in order to collect and/or clarify the information you dispose.
Therefore, please let me know if you are available for the above-mentioned meeting, if you live in Brussel or abroad. In case you cannot attend to the meeting, please inform me about the following issues:
the period (from - to) in which you used to work for the MEP Nikki Sinclair;
Where exactly you used to work for the same MEP (complete address, floor, office number, telephone number)
Who used to work with you (name of colleagues - respective phone numbers) or who else used to work for the MEP Nikki Sinclair;
How much used to be your salary when you used to work for the MEP Nikki Sinclair. In which form your salary used to be paid (cheque, liquid, bank transfers).
Thank you having contacted OLAF and I am klooking forward to hearing from you soon.
Giovanni ******* Investigator
European Commission
European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)
Directorate A
Unit A.1
Office : J30 5/56
Rue Joseph II, 30 B-1049 Brussels (Belgium)
Phone: +32 2 *******
Gsm: +32 *********
Fax: +32 2 *******
E-mail: giovanni.*******
OLAF on EUTube
The investigation number in question is OF/2010/0430. The email concerning this is attached below. This particular investigation is now close to completion, and this may account for the delay in Ms Sinclaire having her collar felt: at least one other investigation is already complete, and the file has been passed to West Midlands police. It can only be assumed that they are waiting for this one so as to arrest Ms Sinclaire for all of them at the same time. For sure, her days are numbered.
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2010 11:14:28 +0200
Subject: OLAF file OF/2010/0430 in assessment
Recently you have contacted a memebr of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) informing about allegations involving a former MEP Nikki Sinclair.
Since I have been appointed to assess the available information, I would like to meet you in order to collect and/or clarify the information you dispose.
Therefore, please let me know if you are available for the above-mentioned meeting, if you live in Brussel or abroad. In case you cannot attend to the meeting, please inform me about the following issues:
the period (from - to) in which you used to work for the MEP Nikki Sinclair;
Where exactly you used to work for the same MEP (complete address, floor, office number, telephone number)
Who used to work with you (name of colleagues - respective phone numbers) or who else used to work for the MEP Nikki Sinclair;
How much used to be your salary when you used to work for the MEP Nikki Sinclair. In which form your salary used to be paid (cheque, liquid, bank transfers).
Thank you having contacted OLAF and I am klooking forward to hearing from you soon.
Giovanni ******* Investigator
European Commission
European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)
Directorate A
Unit A.1
Office : J30 5/56
Rue Joseph II, 30 B-1049 Brussels (Belgium)
Phone: +32 2 *******
Gsm: +32 *********
Fax: +32 2 *******
E-mail: giovanni.*******
OLAF on EUTube
Thursday, 4 November 2010
"One standard bargepole"
News reaches the Common Man of some disgraceful goings on in Brussels. 7’8” tall Amazon Nikki Sinclaire has been victimised by 5’3” Godfrey Bloom to the extent that she has felt it necessary to make a formal complaint to the European Parliament.
Mr Sinclaire said that she had been ‘intimidated’ by the actions of Mr Bloom, and that he had made her feel sexually awkward: an accusation apparently made without irony, the Common Man understands.
Mr Sinclaire, who was arrested after gatecrashing a gay hustings and has frequently gone on record proclaiming her lesbianism, claims she was made to feel stupid, although the Common Man would venture to suggest that that was unconnected to her sexuality.
Mr Bloom meanwhile protests his innocence and the Common Man is reliably informed that he has at all times kept his distance from Mr Sinclaire. A distance of at least one standard bargepole.
Of more interest is what Camp Sinclaire hopes to gain by such an absurd accusation. With Mr Sinclaire shortly to have her collar felt over a long running expenses scam, could it be that she is seeking to create a smokescreen which will allow her to downplay the seriousness of the charges she is likely to face?
The Common Man understands that her comments to the Sunday Times have made her position worse. The basis of her thieving is that she claimed the mileage allowance for MEPs who drive to Brussels and Strasbourg, and instead went by public transport, pocketing a rather nice tax free sum in the process. Speaking to the Times, Ms Sinclaire claims to have done it ‘once, in error’. In fact she did this on at least 6 occasions. As if that was not bad enough, on one of these occasions when she was supposed to have driven, she had an official car meet her at the airport. It was already clear that intelligence was low on the agenda after her videotaped admissions earlier this year about how the withdrawal of the whip would ‘make her very rich’.
The Common Man has learnt that the OLAF investigation is now close to complete, and a file is being prepared for West Midlands police, who will shortly be arresting her: the situation is such that discussions have been held between the police and the CPS over timings and charges. UKIP, meanwhile, are preparing her likely replacement: unlike Ashley Mote, Ms Sinclaire is under 70 and therefore is likely to face a custodial sentence not dissimilar to Tom Wise.
Mr Sinclaire said that she had been ‘intimidated’ by the actions of Mr Bloom, and that he had made her feel sexually awkward: an accusation apparently made without irony, the Common Man understands.
Mr Sinclaire, who was arrested after gatecrashing a gay hustings and has frequently gone on record proclaiming her lesbianism, claims she was made to feel stupid, although the Common Man would venture to suggest that that was unconnected to her sexuality.
Mr Bloom meanwhile protests his innocence and the Common Man is reliably informed that he has at all times kept his distance from Mr Sinclaire. A distance of at least one standard bargepole.
Of more interest is what Camp Sinclaire hopes to gain by such an absurd accusation. With Mr Sinclaire shortly to have her collar felt over a long running expenses scam, could it be that she is seeking to create a smokescreen which will allow her to downplay the seriousness of the charges she is likely to face?
The Common Man understands that her comments to the Sunday Times have made her position worse. The basis of her thieving is that she claimed the mileage allowance for MEPs who drive to Brussels and Strasbourg, and instead went by public transport, pocketing a rather nice tax free sum in the process. Speaking to the Times, Ms Sinclaire claims to have done it ‘once, in error’. In fact she did this on at least 6 occasions. As if that was not bad enough, on one of these occasions when she was supposed to have driven, she had an official car meet her at the airport. It was already clear that intelligence was low on the agenda after her videotaped admissions earlier this year about how the withdrawal of the whip would ‘make her very rich’.
The Common Man has learnt that the OLAF investigation is now close to complete, and a file is being prepared for West Midlands police, who will shortly be arresting her: the situation is such that discussions have been held between the police and the CPS over timings and charges. UKIP, meanwhile, are preparing her likely replacement: unlike Ashley Mote, Ms Sinclaire is under 70 and therefore is likely to face a custodial sentence not dissimilar to Tom Wise.
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