Thursday 5 February 2009

Edmonds to defect to Libertas?

The Common Man is hearing rumours of a planned defection to Libertas by expelled former UKIP NEC member Eric 'the liar' Edmonds.

With his links to BNP infiltrators and his online lies about having a reputation worth saving, the Common Man can only wish Mr Edmonds and Libertas 'good luck'. It is understood that a public announcement will be made only when Declan Ganley and his pro-EU consorts in Libertas have decided whether the questions about Mr Edmonds complicity in the Haslam/Mottram BNP plot can really be explained away by Mr Edmonds lies.

It is understood that his only hope now lies with the tape recordings of the NEC meeting that convicted thief, serial liar and BNP plant Mr Lance-Watkins claims to have. As most will be aware, if these really cleared Mr Edmonds of complicity, they would be all over the internet by now. Unfortunately, Mr Edmonds made so much noise in support of Mr Haslam and Mr Mottram that even heavy editing can't hide his clear support.

If Mr Ganley decides to accept Mr Edmonds, readers should listen to the gossip surrounding the new party to learn of Mr Edmonds ultimate fate. The Common Man is certain that he will be sidelined in very short order when familiarity breeds contempt for Mr Edmonds lies.

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